Rebate Management
with bonsai

We provide the structured framework
for your trading relationships

Our customers trust in BONSAI


CARAT Case Study

The CARAT Group presents itself as a reliable and specialized partner in the automotive aftermarket. As one of the leading German purchasing alliances in the automotive parts wholesale sector, CARAT offers its partners and customers the full range of products: from automotive parts and diagnostic equipment to tools and repair shop equipment, supplemented by a wide range of services. The use of BONSAI improves the CARAT Group’s efficiency and transparency concerning their rebate management by digitalizing and automating processes for all parties involved.


Update from the BONSAI World (2/2023)

Invitation to the proLogistik Expert Days | Product News | We are pleased to inform you about the latest news on BONSAI and IBB. You will get an overview of new features as well as some details about recently released enhancements.



"BONSAI has led to a significant reduction in workload, so that our employees can now take care of the essential things."

Alexander Großen
Project coordinator MBS Baumarkt Service GmbH


The annual meetings with suppliers provide the basis for the applicable terms and agreements. BONSAI supports the target-oriented and efficient preparation for the annual meeting with the help of historical, current and forecasted information on agreements, turnovers and revenues. Information on the price basis or delivery conditions can also be recorded flexibly for each supplier. All data from the negotiation are printed by BONSAI in one document and transmitted as an annual contract or agreement sheet to the supplier for the countersignature.


BONSAI enables the introduction and continuous maintenance of a standardized agreement scheme in order to support the strategic purchasing goals. By defining and using agreement templates, a clear categorisation of the agreements and the specification of a standard agreement system all supplier agreements can be structured and a clear structure for all subsequent rebates compensation and discounts is built up. Through a uniform scheme, the expected revenues from the rebates can be planned in a better way.


BONSAI continuously determines the value of all agreements as well as a trend-based forecast at the end of the year. In this way, it is possible to check easily and without further effort which steps of an agreement are within reach and which additional revenues can be generated by reaching a step. Unused negotiation potential when the highest step is exceeded also enables prompt re-negotiation with suppliers.


In addition to negotiation, the settlement of agreements and the ongoing monitoring of the agreed targets, with regard to e.g. total turnover or sales volume increases, represent the second pillar of rebate management. In this context, the key success factor lies in a complete implementation of all negotiation components. No agreements may be “forgotten”. With BONSAI the workload for the settlement is reduced and above all accelerated by automation to the greatest possible extent. This leaves more time for the essentials: the control and optimisation of the agreement system.

More features


  • Optimal operation of the BONSAI system
  • Savings on licensing costs
  • Private Cloud with full control over updates and your own data

Partner Portal

  • Generating and processing turnover reports
  • Optimised input interface for the supplier
  • Automatic assignment and validation of data on supplier side

Open Interface

  • All data available via BONSAI Open Interface
  • Full level of detail of the data
  • Integration into in-house reporting tools


  • Master and transaction data via interfaces from a leading system
  • Manufacturer-independent, many standard interfaces
  • Data output in the format of the financial accounting system in use

Rebate management and settlement with BONSAI

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