A red circle with a grid of nine small, evenly spaced white squares inside.

Manage marketing allowances

Module for the management of marketing allowances

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Do you have any further questions?

We have summarized the most important features and topics for you and explained them in short sections. Feel free to contact us for a more in-depth look at BONSAI:

Process of rebate mangement

Ein Symbol mit einem grauen, kreisförmigen Hintergrund und zwei horizontalen, weißen Pfeilen, die in entgegengesetzte Richtungen zeigen. Der obere Pfeil zeigt nach links und der untere Pfeil nach rechts.


Plan and negotiate

  • Objective
  • Negotiation support
  • Monitoring of the results
  • Continuity
  • Ein roter Kreis, der ein 3x3-Raster aus gleichmäßig verteilten kleinen weißen Quadraten enthält.



  • Recording of all agreements
  • Marketing allowances
  • Workflow management
  • Ein Symbol mit zwei weißen gebogenen Pfeilen, die eine quadratische Schleife auf einem grauen, kreisförmigen Hintergrund bilden.



  • Optimised exploitation of all agreements
  • Ein grauer Kreis mit einem weißen Gleichheitszeichen in der Mitte.


    Settlement and distribution

  • Settlement during the year
  • Liquidity increase and cash flow improvement
  • Documentation
  • Solutions in depth

    Recording of all planned advertising activities

    The calculation models of the Marketing Allowances Manger support the administration of agreements with specifically assigned advertising activities. Marketing allowances can be agreed with suppliers as fixed amounts, percentages or steps.

    Specific advertising activities agreed with the supplier are assigned to the agreements after negotiation.

    Implementation of the activities

    The implementation of each advertising activity is documented in the system and automatically triggers settlement at the agreed prices. This ensures that each activity is also invoiced promptly according to the agreement reached.

    For the invoices created as part of the settlement process, the system automatically determines the correct tax treatment and provides the data for entry in the accounting system.

    Computer screen displaying a software interface with tabs and a list of tasks or items, labeled "Bonsai" at the top. Various icons and text are visible on the screen.

    Marketing allowances controlling

    BONSAI reporting also actively supports marketing allowances controlling. The reports provide an overview of all marketing allowances, their revenues, and the activities assigned and called.

    A comparison of the budgets and the advertising activities carried out or planned to date can thus be called up at any time.

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    Das Bild zeigt ein Logo mit dem Text „BONSAI“, wobei das „O“ rot und die restlichen Buchstaben schwarz sind, gefolgt von „by IBB“ in kleinerer Schriftart, wobei „IBB“ in Weiß innerhalb einer roten rechteckigen Form steht.


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    BONSAI by IBB logo with 'BONSAI' in black, the 'O' in red, and 'by IBB' written in smaller text to the right with 'IBB' inside a red rectangle. Ideal for presenting Konditionen and Bonusabrechnung details.


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