A red circle featuring a white equal sign in the center.

Distribution to affiliated companies

For purchasing associations and franchisors

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Do you have any further questions?

We have summarized the most important features and topics for you and explained them in short sections. Feel free to contact us for a more in-depth look at BONSAI:

Process of rebate mangement

Ein Symbol mit einem grauen, kreisförmigen Hintergrund und zwei horizontalen, weißen Pfeilen, die in entgegengesetzte Richtungen zeigen. Der obere Pfeil zeigt nach links und der untere Pfeil nach rechts.


Plan and negotiate

  • Objective
  • Negotiation support
  • Monitoring of the results
  • Continuity
  • Ein grauer Kreis mit einem 3x3-Raster aus weißen Quadraten in der Mitte.



  • Recording of all agreements
  • Marketing allowances
  • Workflow management
  • Ein Symbol mit zwei weißen gebogenen Pfeilen, die eine quadratische Schleife auf einem grauen, kreisförmigen Hintergrund bilden.



  • Optimised exploitation of all agreements
  • Ein roter Kreis mit einem weißen Gleichheitszeichen in der Mitte.


    Settlement and distribution

  • Settlement during the year
  • Liquidity increase and cash flow improvement
  • Documentation
  • Solutions in depth

    Control distributions centrally

    For purchasing associations and franchisors, BONSAI solves the problem of correctly settling all agreements and efficiently handling the distribution to the affiliated houses, shareholders or franchisees.

    It is possible to execute a fiduciary 1-to-1 distribution as well as a performance-based distribution. Mixed forms of the two types are also possible. 

    All existing options for mapping aggreements in BONSAI are also available in the distribution.

    Automatic settlements and document dispatch

    After automated settlements of all claims of the affiliated houses, BONSAI creates the bonus credit notes. The individual agreements and their corresponding turnovers can be clearly identified. The documents can be sent directly to the recipients by e-mail.

    Distributions during the year based on settlements already made towards the suppliers can also be easily processed via the system.

    Computer screen displaying a software interface with tabs and a list of tasks or items, labeled "Bonsai" at the top. Various icons and text are visible on the screen.
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    Das Bild zeigt ein Logo mit dem Text „BONSAI“, wobei das „O“ rot und die restlichen Buchstaben schwarz sind, gefolgt von „by IBB“ in kleinerer Schriftart, wobei „IBB“ in Weiß innerhalb einer roten rechteckigen Form steht.


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    Wir freuen uns auf ihre anfrage

    BONSAI by IBB logo with 'BONSAI' in black, the 'O' in red, and 'by IBB' written in smaller text to the right with 'IBB' inside a red rectangle. Ideal for presenting Konditionen and Bonusabrechnung details.


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