BONSAI Partner Portal

BONSAI enables a secure and efficient data exchange between trading partners

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Solutions in depth

Intuitive and modern reporting of turnovers

The BONSAI Partner Portal enables a secure and efficient data exchange between trading partners.

Often, creating and processing turnover reports between trading partners is laborious and time-consuming due to different data formats, old Excel spreadsheets or cumbersome input.

With the BONSAI Partner Portal, through which suppliers can intuitively and with little effort report the necessary turnover figures for each customer, all media breaks are avoided.

A plus for the supplier

Based on the requested turnover report, the BONSAI Partner Portal provides an optimised input interface. Branches and turnover categories to be reported are prepared specifically for the supplier.

Turnover data can be copied from a source file by the operator on the supplier side and pasted into the portal. In the process, the data is automatically assigned to the correct branch and turnover category.

If a turnover report is requested according to branches, the supplier has the option in the BONSAI Partner Portal to store the customer’s own customer number for each of the customer’s branches. Thus, turnover data is automatically assigned with the internal customer numbers of the supplier in the turnover report.

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