BONSAI News (1/2023)

Product news

New reports

New reports for specific analyses have been provided:

Checklist article prices
The following constellations can be identified with this report: articles without prices, multiple prices, negative prices, etc. This should help to gain insight into the data and thus help to increase the data quality.

Credit note overview
Here you get an overview of the registered credit notes.

Status change agreements
In the course of the agreement approval process, the standard reporting is extended by a report concerning status changes. This report informs about which agreement was changed when and by whom.

Comparison of turnover bases per branch
The new report “Comparison of turnover bases per branch” compares the turnovers of the two turnover bases selected when creating the report at branch level without any further breakdown by turnover categories or products.

Scale attainment (distribution)
The report has been extended to show the scale attainment for the “Group” attainment level.

New function for growth agreements

With the new criterion “Minimum turnovers previous year”, it is possible to check at organisation level whether a minimum turnover level was reached in the previous year – only then the organisation is included in the growth agreement.

Enhancements to the free data fields on agreements

The agreements additional data can now be copied when copying agreements. With an auto renewal, free data fields of type “Date” can be automatically set to the next year if they are provided with an appropriate flag.

Data field groups within the agreement can now also be assigned to organisations so that specific values can be stored for individual companies or branches.

Description to data fields

A supplementary explanation can be entered for data fields in the “Description” field. In the course of entering data fields in the “Additional data” tab, the respective field description is displayed in the form of a mouse-over note for explanation.

Supplier currency change

It is now possible to select a list of suppliers and perform the supplier currency change for all selected suppliers. As part of the euro changeover in Croatia, it was thus possible to change over all relevant suppliers in a single action.

In order to prevent changing the master data for the supplier currency without converting all relevant amounts, it is no longer possible to edit the currency without changing the currency.

Supplier groups

It is now possible to configure whether the assignment of suppliers to supplier groups must be unique. If this configuration is activated for a group, a supplier can only be assigned to one supplier group at a time. The time dependency of the affiliation is taken into account. This means that a supplier can be assigned in more than one group as long as the validity of the assignment does not overlap.

Versioning of organisations

A change history, analogous to the supplier, is now available for organisations.

Clicking on a previous version leads to the view of the selected version. The selected version is displayed as an appendix to the organisation name in the title.

Optimisation of the display of contract texts

In case of using bullet points, the entire paragraph is now displayed indented under the bullet point.

In a contract, a page break can now be set before or after a chapter or text. This can be set via a selection at a contract chapter or contract text.

Contract dispatch by e-mail and tasks per status

When sending contracts, both contact persons and BONSAI users can now be specified as recipients, CC recipients or BCC recipients.

The contact persons of the supplier who have set the same purpose as the contract type are preset as recipients as well as the BONSAI user as CC recipient.

A “Reply-to” address can now be stored at the contract type, which will be preset when sending the contract. If no address is stored at the contract type, the field “Reply-To” will be preset with the currently logged in user when sending the contract. It is possible to edit this e-mail address.

In a contract state, it is now possible to configure that a task is created for a person or a group. This task is generated as soon as the contract changes to the respective status.

BONSAI Partner Portal: Deadline for contract acceptance

For contract acceptance via the BONSAI Partner Portal, an acceptance period can be defined individually for a contract. After reaching the time, a contract can no longer be signed in the portal.

Once a contract has been created and sent, the Partner Portal sends an e-mail reminder to the contract recipients to sign the contract by the acceptance deadline.

Deduction levels: Agreements from previous levels are automatically included in the settlement

Previously, when using deduction levels, users had to ensure that they either settled and debited the agreement at the higher levels first, or at least valued these agreements with in the run so that agreements at lower levels were reduced.

Now it is automatically ensured that all relevant agreements from previous levels are taken into account in the settlement run.

Proportionate valuation of agreements during the year

With this new feature, scales with absolute agrements value (except per unit agreements) are also distributed proportionally over the term during the year, if this has been activated in the configuration.

Previously, for fixed-amount agreements, revenue was allocated on a straight-line basis to all periods (months or quarters) that overlapped with the term of the agreement.

Alternatively, it is now possible to allocate fixed amounts to the exact day based on the term of the agreement within the period.

Previously, growth agreements could not generate results per period. This has now been made possible. It is not relevant in which period the growth was achieved, but rather that the revenue is allocated to the periods according to the terms and turnovers.

Adjustments to the forecast: turnovers after reporting date taken into account

The turnover forcast extrapolation can be adjusted via the configuration so that existing turnovers after the settlement date (usually last day of the previous month) are also taken into account. This ensures that all existing turnovers are used for forecasting.

SAP IDOC information per invoice issuer

Identification data required for generating posting interfaces (S05) in SAP IDOC format can now be administrated directly on the invoice issuer in the administration area.

Logo with the text "Bonsai by IBB" where "Bonsai" is in black with the letter "O" in red, and "by IBB" in small text on a red background, representing a strong Jahresvereinbarung.
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